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Tunneling My Homelab

23 September 2024

Hosting public services without port forwarding

Tunneling my homelab to a VPS was really a lot easier than I expected. For a good while I was reluctant to buy a VPS since I didn't know if I was actually going to get it to work, but after seeing this article about frp I decided to give it a go.

The VPS I've gone with is a 2 GB Linode running Alpine Linux and my home servers are running NixOS.

To enable frp on my home server, I've added a module like this:


 services.frp = {

  enable = true;

  role = "client";

  settings = {

   serverAddr = "vps.public.ip.address";

   serverPort = 7000;

   auth.method = "token";

   auth.token = "my token";

   transport.protocol = "tcp";

   proxies = [


     name = "my service";

     type = "tcp";

     localIP = "service.local.ip";

     localPort = service port number;

     remotePort = service port number;






To enable it on the VPS I installed frp with doas apk add frp and wrote the following to /etc/frp/frps.toml:

bindPort = 7000

auth.method = "token"

auth.token = "my token"

And that's all there is to it! You can now access all the forwarded services from the address of your VPS.

I also use Caddy as a reverse proxy to enable HTTPS and map the all of the services to subdomains. To do this all you need is to install Caddy and create a file under /etc/caddy/Caddyfile that looks something like this:

"myservice.domain.tld" {

 reverse_proxy vps.public.ip:port


So far it's been very fast and stable, I definitely reccommend trying this if you're looking for a way to host your homelab publically without port forwarding or revealing your IP.

Categories: Technology Self-hosting Networking NixOS Linux